Friday, December 2, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011


i had a revelation last night. i took a break from the computer and i started to just mess with my samplers. this is what i should have been doing all along. things just change so fast, and nothings ever the same as i remember so i think its time for me to embrace that and make most of the music on the devices i have. i read that when brian eno makes his ambient music, hell have like more than 60 generations of tape hiss on some of the tracks, and the song i ended up making is kindof fuzzy, but everything works together so much better than on the computer. and its so much easier to mix. so i dont know what im going to do. im probaby going to start a three way between my computer my 404 and my su 200 and start cutting ties and making decisions or im never going to be done!

this is the only thing im certain of after last night,
more shows asap

Saturday, November 19, 2011

here's this

Upload MP3s using free MP3 hosting from Tindeck.

but its back once again.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

alright. uhhh

fuck. i think i need to acually realease a song or two. or just upload some stuff . goddam but its not done.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


sooooo this record and lp ive been talkin about are kindof a long way off i feel like. so im gonna try and remix hd googles and this other acoustic thing real quick.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

figured id put some writings here i mean..

sept 2 2011

in the light you saw the
town within the patterns
and structure beyond your favor

today you find a printed note
directed at you by a faraway center

when in fact its time, ill take
a wrinkle in mine, please

when its fact ill keep bouncing off my neighbor, to keep with

why dont you leave a letter here?
why didnt you read my notes i
set, here.


i sing to my hearts distress
i collapse like the remaining
buildings from a different age

the beats on my lungs and my chest
send me to expand like when
you rush the morning tide

staring stops/another hand
now look ive gone got my
reluctance in a tangled knot
pulled by unseen hands

likeness builds on implication
the road to take, a new direction?

the time i find so interesting breaks
apart into something i feel so
indifferent lately.

i forgot the last thing i was saying
what were we talkin about?

the sameness rules around the
band of flash and fire a tape
ahead and face the dead wholl
never find what they are looking for

next to my buried deep down
desires crouches a slender monster
wholl tryll put your mouth in a coffin

then drip grains of sands till your
nothing hes patient

and waiting for nothing in particular
but then hell fucking grab you when you
pull the plug

its different, not knowing where youve been
but to wake up in the day and wonder
how long its been and deem it not gone and hum it along the
surmpassive stream
i dont work to find you floating in my dreams

i cant wait


Sunday, September 18, 2011

my plan..

was to release an e.p. before i released the record ive been working on forever. but yesterday when i was going thru and organizing all the tracks for the ep i realized that i had 9 of them. sooo basicly another record.. so now i dont know what to do. but just know that there will be 22 songs coming soon in the future!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

i dont think i will ever sell my sampler

i get lost in this thing. i dont even have to make a song. sample collecting soothes my soul.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

i think i finally made my cave

i worked on a song the other day that i decided was going to go on the record because i think i mDe a cave. if you dont know what i mean, listen to part two by sheep in wolf or ghost of books by avey tare and just imagine. im soo excited about this tune! too bad i cant work on it for like a week tho cos school is gonna be the front runner this week. all papers. tight.. anyway... yeah daft punk

Location:trap house

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

reasons and excuses

i feel like the majority of the posts i have posted havent been acuall things. they all seem to be excuses or plans. but let me tell you what im doing. and some reasons why.

the reason its taking so long is because this is the first time ive made a "record" and everything is a learning experience. some examples:
when i started tracking i didnt even know what i was doing. honestly. looking back on some of these with the knowledge ive gained so far im just like seriously wtffoook. if you just would spent two more seconds doing levels i wouldnt have to go back and retrack it. so thats an issue, because im not releasing this until its completely done. and what i mean by that is that every sound you hear coming out of your headphones when you listen to it is there for a reason. not a meaningful one. just really because of how it sounds. and makes me feel when i hear it. but anyway, unlike the demos ive put out in the past where i would just record live st8 from the sampler and put vocals on it, now i can acually control each individual sound and place itd wherever id like in the mix.
most of the songs have more than 100 tracks. great.
i dont know what im doing ( in terms of mixing ) i feel like i have a pretty good handle on tracking, and getting a really nice level, but mixing is just about a billion times more complex than tracking. there are soooo many things to worry about. and so many compressors and eqs that need to be set that it just takes soooo much time. and since i have no clue what im doing and im sitting here starring a pile of tracks not knowing what to do or where to start and the thought of the task is so daughting in a way because of its fucking vastness that i just end up doing something else.

but. im getting better. and learning about it. so itll be done. i wanna get some practice in on some other projects before i jump into the recorddd one. and i kinda wanna let them sit for a little bit and then go back and see if theres anything that needs to be added or taken away.

and then i have to come up with a track order and do all the transisitions. ive never done transistiongs seperate than the song so it will be interesting.

it will happen. i havnt put this much time into something to not finish it... well fuck.. final fantasy 7.. fuck.

but some other happenings are that me and my friend lface and hopefully collin have started a band. we dont have a name yet, but weve got two ideas for songs and band practice tommorrow.

archetypes recorded their whole set after a summer of playing quite a bit on the 424. i just need to mix those and throw vocals. i should really just do that tom...i need a mic tho..

im writing a set of songs about stella irene bouregarde

backing stuff up is scary..

oh yeah.

works in progress. give myriad things some love.
clicky on the right under downloads and things

Thursday, August 25, 2011


ive been learning more about mixing the past few days. i feel like im getting a good grasp on the subject. i acually know what a compressor does now! and i learned where to start.
but i realized im afraid.
i feel like all of the elements are there, for the most part.
but i dont want to fook it up.

starting is still kind of a ways away tho i think..
i spent two hours yesterday just organizing 1 song. and there are 13.

and i still need to finish tracking and writing the ep. cos i want to mix that first before i mix the record.

the name of the e.p. is "lifestream"


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

look at the landscape

do you remember
like i remember

you said you were leaving
and i kissed the songs of the day
and bit my lips cos theres only one

i remember the one

i think im into deep
ill just wade in the water
feel it meld as i slip
into the realm of the lifestream

Monday, August 15, 2011


remember that record i kept talking about?
its not done yet.
but it almost is.

so im working on an ep to release before it.
its comin along.

lookin to play some shows in como this year so well seeee how that goes...

Friday, June 10, 2011


i almost broke all my stuff today. its time to start from scratch. show at the firebird on july 7th with in tall buildings.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

im goin underground

im locking myself away to finish tracking.

i dont know how many songs there are.

i havnt counted.

see you


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


in the works.

i hate being poor.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

been recording vocals with my friend kevin.

or chris.

record is looking like its gonna be done sometime during the summer.

track listing coming sooooooooon.

Monday, January 24, 2011


i started tracking the remake of the learning lab demonstration last monday and last night i finished! all the songs are sounding great. i cant wait to get in there and compress everything and mix it. its weird that at the exact same time last year i was first writing and recording the same songs that im recording now. sweeet.

mp3 comin soon!